I befriended a guy with a girlfriend. He is a cool guy. He wants us to hangout alone.. to watch a movie. He said we shouldnt invite other people. I feel uncomfortable hanging out with a guy who has a girlfriend already especially alone. I find it inappropriate. He used the word “it’s a date!” I said it isnt.. he then said “i didnt mean literally”. I tried to suggest a group hangout but he wants to spend time alone. Is it fair to feel it’s inappropriate?

  1. Obviously it’s inappropriate. A lot of men are cheaters, it’s clear what he’s tryna do.

    Don’t get into this mess. I recently had a cop with a gf who started out as a “friend”. We’d play an online game together and talk sooo much! Then he asked to call so I can explain something to him about the game. It turned into him talking sexually, sending me dick pics, begging to come see me so we can “hookup” etc. I was scared to outright block him cause he’s a cop, but I eventually made up some BS to get away from him. I knew exactly where he was headed, he even tried to pull the bs “my gf doesn’t want me anymore, I’m single” after I told him I’m not interested in taken men 🤣🤣.

    Anyways, don’t lie to yourself and say “we will only hang out as friends, I won’t do anything” because a lot will change if you start feelng him during the “hangout”.

  2. Don’t do it if you feel uncomfortable.

    Just text him that you feel uncomfortable and won’t be going.

  3. It’s fine to hangout with a guy that has a girlfriend, but it is a bit strange to do it in a private place. Ask him to do something in public, like a concert.

  4. Reading the description looks like he doesn’t want to just be friends. He said it’s a date, he wants to meet at his place. So propably he imagine doing something more than watching movies.

    You seem to be good girl for not messing with someone’s relationship. Kudos to you.

  5. Yes, he’s a sleeze put yourself in the gf position would u want that? Ask him to fuck off, trust me he will find some other girl to cheat on with his gf

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