I am an artist/ musician / creative, and I spend a lot of my weekends these days in museums. I feel like the people at museums that are here are already part of my “tribe” especially when I notice a few people who are really entranced/ taking their time , or discussing with a friend a painting or artist. I always feel a bittersweet kinda sadness at museums for this reason= I don’t know how to make friends very well, I burn through most of my friendships because I make friends at bars or places where I don’t really connect with them on a deep artistic level, yet here yet I think I see the most people in one space that I probably would get on with very well! Yet… museums are not a very easy place to approach people , especially because if I flub a social interaction then We have to awkwardly see each other all night in the museum. ugh! i am trying to have more real life connections in places like this, because I often have a “I really wanna talk to this person “ feeling in places like this, I can’t describe the feeling it’s just that.. I know there are more people crammed into this one building that I would prob be able to connect with more than anyone I’ve befriended from meetups.com , coworkers , bars, or whatever. what are some non threatening , easy things to do especially because art / music / film is like the only thing I think about. like I’ll also go to an arthouse movie theatre and see some cult obscure movie I love and the theatre ha like 20 other people who love this same movie so like naturally I wanna talk to them all after the movie is over but then everyone just silently files out.

1 comment
  1. Join a group on eventbrite or similar platform where they advertise events at the museum, chat to people afterwards. Failing that join a social event for people held at the museum like a private view or evening talk , or find a museum meet up for people who like going to museums. Do an on site course in key aspects of the collection, many museums do them. Or you could Join a film club. Or if any of the places you like to go have a cafe you could read in the cafe and see if there is anyone else who looks like they wouldn’t mind a chat. As that is a place you can leave if the conversation does not go well and people may be more inclined to chat in a museum/cinema cafe.

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