I have to friends, lets call then L (M19), and N(F18). We meet at the same time months ago, and instantly becamed friends. It was preety nice, and also weird, i never had close friends as they were before,most of my friendships were, and still, kinda off superficial, but i am not sure if that holds on now.
They seen to be a lot more closer to each other than from me. They have their own internal jokes that i do not understand, they hang out without inviting me, they tell each other secrets that they never told me.
L still relatively close to me, not as close as he is from N, but he seens to enjoy my company a lot. But N… When we are alone, and i try to talk to her, she just nods and let me speak alone. She sometimes will ignore me and starts to use her phone.
One day, she screamed at me for a mistake that i commited, and i was visibly frustrated with what happened, she then proceded to make fun of me to the others. In another day, she argued with L, and HE was visibly frustrated, she was quick at feeling bad and apologizing. She never apologized for what she did with me.
Everyday, i feel like they are more abd more distant from me, and i feel really bad, because i really wanted then to appreciate me as they appreciate one another. N has some serious issues, and i wish i could help as much as L helps.
Any tips on how to stop being the third wheel?

1 comment
  1. Its not your behaviour thats the problem, its theirs! Unless they start to be more appreciative of you, nothing wilk change. I think you should talk with them about how you feel. If they still dont change their behaviour drop them.

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