Thankyou everyone for your advices . I was feeling so scared and lonely before i posted that . But i received so much love and support from y’all that made me cry . I felt so much better . Felt like i have some super supportive sisters and brothers . Sadly i can’t do any of the stuff that you suggested . Can’t report to the police cause there are no rules for raping your wife in my country and as soon as they find out he’s my husband , the case is closed . And about plan B , that’s also not possible cause any type of birth control pills are banned here and you can’t get any of them . So i have to get over it and just try to forget what happened . I went out of bed and started doing my daily things and i’m trying to distract myself from thinking about it . I’m having pain , both physically and mentally but There’s no other option . Please don’t ask my country . I’m not lying and this isn’t a fake post . I know many people will think it is . But i just hate even talking about this shithole . Thankyou everyone for your love and support

  1. Are there really no resources in your country for instances like this? I can’t believe that there isn’t even one shelter or women’s advocacy group that would help you at least get a plan B pill or give you access to a health exam after this happened.

    Are you going to take steps to divorce him?

  2. Are there no legal recourse you coud take against him? Or move in with your parents or friends. This is not a way to live. Are there no NGOs for women suffering from domestic violence? Are you from middle eastern or South Asian country?

  3. Look into agencies that help you get out of the country. In many countries with draconian marriage laws there are groups who will help you get out and get help in other countries

  4. I missed your first post but I see alot of advice from people in liberal countries that have far different culture and circumstances than yours. Advising you to divorce or run to the police and not paying attention when you say these are not options.

    Hold your head high. You are a strong and capable woman. Don’t let these life events change you or push you down. Carry yourself in graciousness and maintain your dignity. Your grace will put your husband and his actions to shame. It is painful but respect yourself and know that **his actions can never diminish your light or your worth.** Work on loving yourself and your body since those are things you can control and that no one can stop you from. I hope you find some peace and comfort soon 🧡

  5. Given all the restrictions you say your country has, what kind of advice were you looking for from your original post? Those kinds of facts would have certainly been vital to know in order to provide helpful suggestions.

  6. I am so sorry for you. Be safe best you can. If you are able, there are some teas and herbs you can eat that may help you prevent getting pregnant (pennyroyal tea is one I know of, but the oil is poisonous and can harm you). It isnt as good as plan B but may be easier to get a hold of in your country. Anything that causes cramps/menstration would help as it makes it harder for the fetus to attach.

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