This year I moved onto a newly built estate (relevant as I don’t believe there’s currently any traditions or any dislikes). Lots of young kids and all the neighbours are very friendly.

I am hoping to make Christmas Eve special by *proving* Santa has been down our street.

Initial ideas were to dust a bit of flour to see Santa’s footprints, but not sure how eco friendly that is etc.

Also thought it would be nice to drop a little goody bag for each child.

Would love to hear any ideas!

(Obligatory mobile formatting apology).

  1. I suspect you’re better off speaking to the parents of the children first rather than Reddit.

  2. I wouldn’t surprise out of nowhere, but talking to other parents in the area and also your local council and you can organise things like general decorations, getting loads of houses to take part to get the street all looking lit up and fancy, charity santa visits to the street, you can do Santa letters posted to the kids, street parties etc.

  3. Forget extra gifts – it will be wasted after xmas eve.

    Raindeer ‘shit’ on the street?
    Chewed carrots?

    There are apps that allow you to add Father Christmas to a video to show he has been.

    If you are committed enough, go out into the street at 3AM with some little raindeer ‘bells’.

  4. Dress up as Father Christmas and knock on windows all over the estate between 2-3am. They’ll love it.

  5. I think it’s probably best to engage with the adults for ideas- I know you want it to be a surprise but it’s not like the adults are going to believe it was Santa- and if it’s something you do in a specific area then the parents might not know to take the kids to see … whatever it is.

    Different people have different traditions within their families too- does Santa come down the chimney or does he have a special key to get in the house? Does Santa bring presents to the kids in their house or does Santa know specially to take all of their presents to their grannies for example.

    I get you’re wanting to do something nice, but making the adults aware of what you’re doing is likely going to save you a headache in the future – you don’t want to accidentally “prove” that Santa isn’t real by doing something you assume is universal but actually isn’t.

  6. I’d suggest a Carol singing on Xmas eve. Nothing fancy, a speaker and some printed sheets. But again, speaking to the neighbours first is a good idea

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