This is a copy paste from other subs. Really just looking for advice.

TLDR: Feels like I’m catching multiple signs that this friendship could be more but I’m kind of hesitant to move on it. Need help to see if I’m looking too deep into things or not. Ultimately I do plan on communicating with her to see where things lie, I just need to know if I’m crazy or not.

So this girl and I have known each other in passing for a while now. Our families are really good friends and her dad is really fond of me, as he sees what my own dad could’ve been, in me. We started hanging out with each other recently after reconnecting at an event. Here’s a timeline of some things from last year to this year. We text in between each of these so there’s no real lack in communication.

Rekindled with her at a baby shower

Ran into each other at a car show and ended up kicking it for a bit

She invited me to a movie shoot that was being filmed at her family’s house, stayed till almost 6am and kicked it with her, had some drinks, her and I were very vulnerable with each other, she ended up dropping me back off at home after I insisted on walking

The day after I realized I lost some things at her house, went back to see if they were there, what likely should’ve been a 30 minute stay turned into a 3-4 hour stay, with her and I opening up to each other even more, and her telling me what she wants out of relationships, me doing the same

We end up kicking it again a couple of nights later after she put her daughter to bed, till about 2 in the morning in which she makes a comment about the last couple of people she’s talked to, and then said she isn’t messing with people like that anymore, while eyeing me up and down

We continue to text with her sending a lot of emojis, and me genuinely doing my best to reply accordingly while also feeling the situation out

A couple of days ago she called me up to hang out with her and some company. We end up taking pictures and in one of them I have my arm around her, after the picture was taken she tugged my arm to pull me in closer. She ended up dropping me off in which she told me that she wants me to be safe and that she doesn’t want anything happening to me.

That’s a timeline of events, please feel free to call me a dumbass if needed, seriously sometimes I need that shit to point out the obvious.

My question is, am I just getting smacked in the face with green lights to try and move things forward?

Or should I keep feeling things out and potentially risk losing out on something that could be really good. I guess my biggest concern is her not feeling the same way, in which case I’d feel really shitty because I don’t want her to think that I just befriended her with the intention of getting with her, that isn’t what happened, that’s just how things ended up panning out.

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