I’m a tall girl (16f)and I really fancy this short guy in my class (17m), I’m not sure whether he finds me attractive or not cause I know some short guys don’t like it when the girl they’re going out with is taller than them. The first thing that came in mind was having a conversation about relationships and mentioning height differences so that I can mention that I like short guys, not sure on how i would do that tho. He spoke to me a lot today and I really enjoyed his company, i would love to ask him out but i’m scared of rejection;-; also what if he says he doesn’t like tall girls? i know there are plenty of other fish in the sea but I tend to only like short guys who don’t like tall girls.


  1. I’m a short guy (5’7”) and my first girlfriend was 5’11”. And I loved her to death. Just go for it – you never know. And good luck!

  2. My bf is 5’5” and I’m 5’9”. Doesn’t hurt to try, you’d be surprised how many boys are open to talker gfs!

  3. Go for it! Rejection is scary, but if it happens you will get over it. And if he doesn’t reject you then you will be going out with him, which will be great!

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