Hey everyone. I’m a 21 year old male who wants to form a deep relationship with my friends. I’ve known them for almost a decade and it saddens me that with all the things we went through in life together and the moments that I’ve had with them, they have these topics about their personal lives and share them with one another.

It honestly makes me feel like an outcast. They’re the only friends that truly matter to me and knowing that they don’t involve me whenever they share to each other about deep personal stuff, it makes me feel like I truly don’t have any friends. They’re very kind individuals and I want to stick by their side until we get old. I want to hear about their personal experiences and I also want them to hear my personal experiences.

I would really appreciate any advice that you could give that will help me form deep and intimate relationships with them

  1. This might be a tough thing to hear but when this has happened to me, I cut them out and made new friends. I’m a bit older (25) and have cut 3 different friend groups because it didn’t feel natural. I hope you find some fulfillment in your relationships, much love <3

  2. You’re not alone at all man, last year I was going thru the same shit with “friends” that I share so many memories,stories,emotions ect at some point I see them hanging out with out me thru snap stories never get invited that shit hurt allot,I managed to get over it by just being with my self & going out with my self & meet some cool as friends along the way, now I’m heading to Christmas party event with a whole new different group of friends & strangers. Continue to be who you are & do things u enjoy people will come & go in ur life & there’s nothing u can do about it, accept & move on. We are young don’t waste any of ur emotional energy on things u cannot control!!

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