What does it mean when a girl (ex) says she wants to be just friends, she says she’ll always love me and I’m a part of her family, we have 4 dogs together. And have meant and lived with both sides of parents. She has another man now and doesn’t seem to have time for me anymore. I just don’t know how to feel I still love her more then anything, but she has moved on we were together for 5 years and I just want to know if there’s maybe a chance in the future or does she not want me in that way anymore? I’ve asked her and she says you never know maybe our paths will cross again. What does that mean? She cheated on me and idk it’s fucking with my head did I do something did she just want something else, am I that bad? I just don’t understand and it’s fucking with me hard! I wasn’t the best BF but I feel like you stick around 5 years I must of been doing something right. Not to mention if I was so bad wouldn’t you think you’d need time to yourself before getting into another relationship.

1 comment
  1. Let this one go, she’s moved on and has someone new, the “what if” game is pointless. She’s with someone and that’s her focus and they may be together for years, even if that doesn’t work out, who knows if she’d ever consider coming back to you. It’s hard but accepting it’s over is the first and hardest yet best step, she’s enjoying a new relationship and you’re stuck on what if’s. You owe it to yourself to let go, because she has

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