Hey everyone. I was crushing on this guy in my college class. We were in a group project together so we talked sometimes whenever we got into groups to work on the project & I planned to ask him out toward the end of the semester. Last weekend, I tried to make a move through texts. We had a small conversation then a while after, I tried to be slick & sent him a pic of me wearing lingerie asking him “What do you think of the lingerie my friend bought me?” Then he sent me a whole paragraph saying that I’m disrespectful for sending him an “unsolicited pic” which is weird to me. I wasn’t fully nude. I pretty much knew he was in a relationship cuz he told me before but my mindset had changed and I decided to shoot my shot anyways. He got angry telling me “I told you I have a gf” & that I’m insane, a cheap w\*\*\*\*, and the B word. I apologized to him and he said “Don’t even look at me during class” but tbh after sending him a pic of me in lingerie & asking him what he thought & getting a really late reply, I didn’t wanna go to class anyways for this whole week because him taking hours to reply made me feel like I embarrassed myself. I replied back saying, “It’s okay. I won’t be coming anyways after this.” Then he says “Yes. F off.” I thought about reporting him to the staff but I asked 2 friends & they said it’s not a good idea. I’m in his class 2 days a week and there’s 3 more days left of the class until the end of the semester. I plan to skip them this week to avoid awkwardness and drama even though I’m a little worried about missing the 2nd to last class cuz the professor will review the final midterm but you know what, I’ll just study on my own. I do plan to attend the last class which is the midterm. I feel really bad but I think i’m getting a little bit better. I didn’t know how else to ask him out because in high school, I directly asked a boy out on snap. He told his friends and they made fun of me. I didn’t wanna relive that time

  1. What do you mean report him? You sent HIM an unsolicited picture, when you knew he had a gf. You’re kind of the AH here.

    My advice? Move on from this and from him, politely. I too, would be very upset if someone that was interested in my partner sent a lingerie pic, unsolicited.

  2. lets say you have a boyfriend. now lets say there is this guy in your class that sends you an unsolicited underwear pic. he also knows you have a bf. how would you react?

  3. Why would you report him, you sent him an unsolicited picture and probably caused a big fight with his gf.

  4. How on earth could you reported him?
    He could report you for sending a dirty picture after he told you he had a girlfriend.

    What’s wrong with you?

  5. I’m sorry ik the situation is awkward so I understand why you’d want to miss class… but you did send him a suggestive image knowing that he had a gf. His reaction was a bit excessive but he had every right to be angry. If the roles were reversed I doubt you’d want someone sending unsolicited images to your bf. I don’t think you should attempt to report him, if anything you’ll be the one getting in trouble. I’d advise you to try to move on and just be more careful next time.

  6. Why would you send a lingerie pic to a guy knowing he’s in a relationship?

    That’s trashy and I’m assuming why he was as angry as he was. Be better.

  7. You sent him a picture he did not want. Crossed his boundaries after he made it clear that he has a girlfriend. Were going to report him for rejecting you. AND are still trying to ask him out? Girl get a fucking therapist, you’re loony. That is your advice.

  8. You were in the wrong here. But all you can do it move on. You should go to class. Will it be awkward, yes. But the best thing you can do it move forward and that means facing things that will be uncomfortable. After the first class or two it’ll be fine

  9. HE made you feel embarrassed? You SHOULD feel embarrassed sending something like that to someone you KNOW is in a relationship. Report him for what? Being appalled at your lack of respect for him and his relationship!? Seriously WTF. How would you feel if you were in a relationship and your SO received that!? 🤦‍♀️

  10. His response was harsh because you need to know you severely crossed a line with him. He’s guaranteed you won’t try anything with him ever again. I hope this taught you a lesson to not solicit men whom you know have partners.

  11. Please remember this for your future: Men pursue Women. Not the other way around. Don’t ever ask out a man again. Please and Thank you. Make them beg you for your photo then send them a close-up photo of your knee. Do better.

  12. “I felt numb after reading his texts. Should I report him or move on?”

    ” I tried to be slick & sent him a pic of me wearing lingerie asking him “What do you think of the lingerie my friend bought me?” Then he sent me a whole paragraph saying that I’m disrespectful for sending him an “unsolicited pic” which is weird to me.”

    “I pretty much knew he was in a relationship cuz he told me before but my mindset had changed and I decided to shoot my shot anyways.”

    ” I didn’t know how else to ask him out…”

    (When *you know* someone is already in a relationship it’s best NOT to hit on them!)

    Secondly, he may have come down hard on you because his girlfriend may have access to his phone, and he doesn’t want to deal with the fallout of having to explain to her why he is getting *unsolicited* (lingerie photos) from some random girl. Trust is hard enough to maintain.

    You should move on! Clearly this guy was offended you *disrespected* his relationship status.

    In the future you may want to wait until there has been signs of interest, mutual playful flirtation, and last but not least relationship availability *before* you decide to “shoot your shot”.

    ***”While we are free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions.”*** – Stephen R. Covey

    Best wishes!

  13. Take a look at her profile and it becomes obvious that this is most likely implicit advertisement for her OF. Very cheap move.

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