I apologise for the long message, however i could really use the advise

So, in my school the junior and senior prom is in like 6 months. and im going, however I didn’t know who to ask to take with me. So for the past week i’ve been thinking who could i ask next year. Some people came to mind like friends in g10 and 9 or this girl in grade 9 who begged me to invite her last year so she could go. However this one girl in my physics and english class who I really like, we both love cats and space. However she in the past had a boyfriend, however in my curiosity last Friday I asked if she was going with him, she sadly said no as they were no longer together. She then proceeded to ask why I asked and told her honestly why I asked her this, and then followed up with so would it be ok if i asked you to prom, will you be ok with that (which me now realised this was so formal). non the less she said yeah no problem, or sure I don’t fully remember. However now, my mind is going crazy, cause I do know I need to properly ask again, and I know roughly how (cause im a designer/engineer imma create a box where she can roll out a StarWars like intro scene, then in the box will be her favourite character and mind in lego as she loves lego’s too, and in the roll out sheet will say the obvious would you go to prom with me.


However, it’s too soon to ask now or clarify now? right? but if i wait too long someone else might ask, or she might remember me asking and decline or talk to me first, or she might get a boyfriend.

So idk what to do, a somehow asked my biggest crush to prom (kinda) and now don’t know when to ask, or do i ask next year January, then also (as i don’t know a lot about her) ask her to dinner to get to know each other better, or will that be too soon regarding her ex, cause I don’t know when it happened.

this is all mixing my head and i really like this girl for a long time, but dont wanna mess it up, soa i could really use some advise and maybe some tips regarding my situation

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