What are some subtle and/or obvious signs you give off?

  1. I’m cold. Don’t smile. Say very little. Give them nothing to work with conversationally. Exit as soon as possible.

  2. Keep a straight face, talk in a serious tone. Sometimes I’ll say have a good day/night and walk away or pretend to have to call someone.

  3. Haha I’m not subtle at all. “Stop flirting with me, I’m not interested.” works a treat.

  4. Standard social cues for wanting an interaction to end.

    * Keep it polite but disinterested.
    * Look elsewhere as much as I feel safe to do so.
    * Be disengaged from the conversation and person as much as possible.
    * Keep my answers short, don’t ask questions to move the conversation along, and try to wrap up the interaction.
    * Keep my posture and body language as closed at I can without giving obvious offense.
    * Move away or at least try to turn partially away.
    * Leave the situation as soon as I feel safe to do so.

    If they keep trying after that, I escalate to being more assertive and less polite. If they continue, to push or get belligerent, then I do what I need to feel safe and get away from them.

  5. I give them one-worded responses, check my phone a lot, and then eventually find an excuse to leave.

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