Do you believe in romantic love and why?

  1. Love is a lie.
    There is only hate and suffering. It’s kill or be killed. Show now quarter to the enemy. Aim for the heart and eat it in front of their family and friends.

  2. Yes because I lived it and am enjoying it right now and have been for the last 20ish years.

  3. I wish…but not really. Life has a way of getting in the way of fantasy and wishful thinking. Ask around and see how many married people you know are “truly in love”.

  4. Yes, BUT

    I believe love is something that’s built and not something that just happens. Infatuation and attraction are organic, love is something that’s built through time and understanding and connection.

    I always tell people “Love starts when the butterflies end”

  5. Yes because I actually go outside and talk with humans in person. I see happy loving couples. I’ve seen loving same sex and opposite sex relationships. Heck, I just need to look at my own mother and stepfather to see love exists. I don’t care what stats say about marriage and dirvoce online. I actually meet people.

    I don’t stay online all day relying solely on dating apps and stats I see online and then looking at dating like it’s glorified prostitution.

    If love doesn’t exist and dating is “Transactional” then why do men and women have relationships. Why don’t men just waste money on hookers and women become escorts. Claiming all Men are in it for sex and all women are in it for financial gain is just dumb. I’ll tell you why that isn’t the case. BECAUSE LOVE EXISTS

  6. Part of me does, but my cold hearted rational side says no. Love does exist, I just don’t see myself ever getting it. No woman has ever remotely expressed interest in me at all and I am not going to be judged to see if I am worthy of a woman’s time. It is just not worth it.

  7. Of course. I have loved and been loved many times.

    I wonder how monstrous a person would have to be to never be loved or feel love?

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