Last night, I (21f) was using my vibrator and my dad knocked on my door. For some reason, he came in even though I didn’t answer him (I’m freaking out and I wonder if he heard it under the door) and my stupid vibrator wouldn’t turn off. At this point, he’s essentially in my room. It’s so embarrassing 😭 I have no idea where to post this but I just want to share my embarrassment and now I can’t even look him in the eye. I really hope he didn’t tell my mum.

  1. If it makes you feel any better, he probably feels awkward about it too and he is *never* going to bring it up. And that’s assuming he even noticed.

  2. Lol I don’t think your going to get judgement from mum and if you need assurance start with her sock drawer.

    But pops on the other hand, he might just throw all the batteries in the house away and never buy more

  3. I think you are not the first peraon that happened something like this, i had also embarrassing moments, not sure if one of my parents noticed but i guess it just happens and masturbation and sexual life are just normal and natural so no reason to worry or so. He will very likely forgot in some time, if he even noticed it.

  4. Using a vibrator Is pretty common now a day,ND ur Dad might now notice it,even if he asks you what was that sound. Tell him it’s ur phone and it was in Vibration mode when he came

  5. I’m sorry, but the worst part of this is you are 21 and your dad is just walking into your room like that. I would never do that to my daughter. He should embarrassed, not you.

  6. Hey, we have all been there.

    Well, maybe not exactly there, but something like that. People live in close quarters, embarrassments like this just happen. Just let it ride. 20 years from now, you’ll be able to laugh about it.

    Maybe 30.

  7. As a father, I will ignore that and take it to the grave! But we know and you know but we already knew!

  8. When I was maybe 21(nonbinary) I bought an anal plug and some cuffs right before going home for the summer break. Traveled with my family all summer and I just took the toys, hidden in my bag. No big deal. When we got home I only had about 5h to wash and organize, not to mention pack, for my fall semester. And I was sick! Chaos.

    It wasn’t until just before Thanksgiving break that I realized I hadn’t seen my toys in my school apartment.

    I got back to my parents place for break, in my childhood bedroom, and found my toys bundled up in about five T shirts in my dresser. A decade later and I still don’t know who found them.

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