I went out with a friend and her friends. I’ve met her friends before, maybe a month ago. I actually have a crush on the one guy. We can call him D. I’ve told D that I was starting to like him. He told me he didn’t feel the same way and only approached me because he’s looking for good friends in his life, and he said he also has trust issues (which ultimately confused me, because it felt like he did. And even our mutual friends thought so, and my other friends who I told). Anyways.

At the club, I noticed he kept sneaking glances at me and there was a moment when both of our favorite song came on, and it was kind of obvious we wanted to dance with each other. But he didn’t make the move. (Maybe because it’s a little awkward between us, since I let him know my feelings). When we were leaving the club, he came to walk next to me and kept bumping into me. He didn’t walk near anyone else or bump into them. And we were talking to some people outside the club, and someone came up to me and said to him “look at this girl! She’s got it going on! Don’t you think she’s hot?” And D said “i mean, she’s beautiful!” And he looked at me as he said that.

We were then walking to the car, and me and my one friend stayed behind. D kept calling me to ask where we were, and it was like he didn’t want to hang up because he kept talking to me. Then he heard we were talking to some guy and he sounded a little jealous.

We were all in his car after going to the club. He was the DD so he didn’t drink. We all were playing all our favorite songs and singing to them. I noticed he kept looking over at me and smiling, and he put on sunglasses and kind of put them down and looked at me. Maybe it means nothing. But it seemed really sweet to me. We just kept making eye contact and would smile at each other.

Maybe it was just friendly. I don’t know. He did also get another girl’s number at the club. He said he got it because she seemed really cool. And when i joked saying maybe she’d be his wife and he wants her. He said “i didn’t say that lol”.

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