My partner puts up walls the same time every year we get along 99% of the time but around November and December she wants to end our relationship every year.

  1. Holidays can be a really difficult time for people. It can bring up some pretty intense negative feelings and make people feel less worthy of things like relationships.

    My parents both died when I was young. My dad when I was a toddler and my mum just before I turned 14. Ten years later and I still get extra sad, depressed and stressed around Christmas.

  2. Maybe because of some unknown, to you at least,trauma. I do the same thing during the summer because my sister died then and I get fearful that someone close to me will die again . I almost feel like if I pull away, than ill be less hurt if something does happen…yea I know it doesn’t make sense

  3. You gotta either ride it out or convince him to seek help. Idk ive tried meds, therapy, new job it’s just something I have to deal with. I’ve gotten better about noticing it but it still gets me every year

  4. Look up *Seasonal affective disorder* – it might have something to do with it. Some people get this when seasons change (ie. from Spring to Summer) or the other way around (Fall to Winter). Another thing to look into would be PMDD.

  5. Only person who can answer that is her.

    And if she doesn’t want to tell you, then you are going to have to end the relationship, and move on. As the continued strain on the relationship this will have will eventually result in a very difficult, possibly toxic breakup.

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