I (27F) have been with my boyfriend (31M) for 1.5 years. We get along really well and even moved in together. Lately I’ve been noticing that my sex drive has gone down and I’m not sure how to deal with it. I’m usually not in the mood to have sex whenever he initiates. Sometimes I try but can’t seem to follow through all the way. Our sex life was very healthy in the beginning of our relationship and I want it to get back there.

There were a few occasions where I even watch porn to get myself in the mood for sex.

I feel terrible and really want to get our sex life back on track as I am someone who has always enjoyed sex with my S/O in the past. What can I do?

TL;DR – my sex drive has gone down recently and I’d like to get it back up

1 comment
  1. Hi OP,

    First things first : All good, it happens to everyone! It is normal thing to go through and no need to overthink it. We all go through cycles, sometimes it is higher and other times it is lower. It doesn’t necessarily mean anything. The best thing to do, I have tried over and over, is to use it as vulnerability moment to bond without needing to have sex. Connect with your SO, give and receive affection without necessarily having doing the act. It is about feeling safe and welcomed without any judgment. Maybe there are other things that are stressing you and you are more of a need of safe space than anything else. To sum up : it is okay, don’t overthink it, relax, use this as vulnerability to share in bed without necessarily having sex (cuddles, kisses, soft touches…), and it is an opportunity to bond over to strengthen the relationship

    Good luck, and I wish you the best

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