I really want to share this. I mean, any opinion or help is accepted, but the reason I’m sharing this is that I just want to put it out there.

I have known this girl for a year. She’s very attractive, she lowkey looks like Taylor Swift. We aren’t friends, we’re just acquaintances but lately we have flirted with each other multiple times, we get along and she has literally said ” I like you ”.

This girl is just.. really bad. But in a weird way: she can be very friendly and welcoming, she’s not the stereotypical stuck up b\*tch who is just unpleasant to be around, she’s nice to talk to and friendly.

But she has a bad temper and she’s a control freak, she loses her mind when things do not go her way and she hates it when anyone has any kind of control over her or doesn’t do what she expects them to do.

And when she gets mad she’s… scary and aggressive (?). She raises her voice, says mean things, and she’s physically dangerous lol.

Some time ago she kicked a brand new BMW and broke its mirror (she kicked the mirror while walking past that car) just because she was angry. I wasn’t there, but our University classmates were there and saw that. If you piss her off she won’t hesitate to slap you or confront you face to face.. even if you’re a male. Some time ago she argued with a guy in our University, the guy is 5’6 while she’s 5’11 and she often uses her height to scare people (which works with women, men aren’t intimidated by her, no matter how tall she is, men are stronger, but she still uses her height to try and look menacing), she was like ”just because you’re a man doesn’t mean I’m scared of you,” she put her hand on his head and then shoved him, and he had to control himself, he couldn’t hit her because she’s a girl, but he really wanted to because she was bullying him in front of everyone.

Also, she has a long history of break ups, the guys who have been in a relationship with her say ”she can be nice, but she cheats, she always needs excitement, she changes her mind every other day, she likes to keep you on your toes, don’t get attached to her, she’s untamable”

I think she’s either a narcissist or a sociopath, or maybe even both.

She’s still liked by people, she’s charming and she can be nice to talk to and cool to be around. She can even be caring and nice if you please her.

I know this is messed up, but I find her exciting because most women are just… passive. They just act cute and smile all the time, they’re very passive. This girl instead… she’s a bad boy stuck in the body of a very beautiful girl if that makes sense? And I find her so hot because of that.


  1. You are allowed to date whomever you want, but don’t go complaining to your friends when she hurts your feelings and it doesn’t work out.

  2. Go for it. Life is made out of choices

    TBH this sounds like bad idea but if that makes you happy then go for it.

    Maybe it would end up in something beautiful or lesson or regret whatever it would be at least you will not have what if… thought in your mind

  3. 41 M. I’m attracted to the type of whom you speak. Well, maybe she’s my type on steroids. Damaging cars and being physically aggressive with guys is a whole other story. It really boils down to how much you’re willing yo put up with. I’m the first one to tell you that the hotter they are the more you’re willing to tolerate. People can say that’s misguided or even misogynistic if they want, but it’s true.

    What would concern me more is the bit about her being a cheater. I have exactly one boundary in a relationship: don’t cheat on me. I don’t care if she’s edgy, but if she cheats that’s the end. So more than anything else, I’d think long and hard about whether this would be for you.

    As I’ve alluded, yeah I put up with a lot from attractive women. And honestly, it’s never really gone how I’ve thought it should. Even if you were to say “please don’t cheat on me,” she may well see that you let stuff go and hedge her bets that you’ll do the same if she cheated. Worse yet, let’s say you marry her. It’s bad enough to walk away from a girlfriend. But when you’re married it’s really different. My experience with that type of girl is also that even if they said they liked you, if you pursue she could always say “yeah I meant as a friend.” That’s the case with the word love ALL THE TIME. “I meant I loved you as a friend.” That’s a cop out. So tread lightly.

  4. What floats your boat…but damn man…..I wouldn’t even want to be associated with somebody who does shit like that.

  5. She’s a covert narcissist. Do not get into a relationship with this woman if you value your sanity. At the very most be FWB with her because these types are usually good in bed. My advice would be hit it and quit it.

  6. OMG you deserve exactly what you are about to get!!!!! I’ve been FWB for a covert narc for the past 6 months. If you care for her even a little, she’s going to eat you alive and worse. I sincerely suggest you do some research on this personality disorder before you move forward.

    But you might have a wild ride, which seems to be what you’re looking for . . . 🙂

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