Was on top grinding heard a pop and he said it’s kinda painful at the base, The fuck happened??? Did I break his dick? Annnnd should he go to a doctor? Or is this a heal at home kinda thing. He’s not really super painful.

Update: he refuses to go in anywhere. He’s hardly sore at all. There’s no bruising or swelling I’ll just keep an eye on it I guess and make sure he can get hard tomorrow 🤷🏼‍♀️

  1. >Did I break his dick?

    Maybe it sounds like an exaggeration, but this might be the case.

    Did he go soft immediately after? Trouble getting an erection? If he can still maintain one, does it look any different?

    If yes on any of these: medical attention is adviced ASAP.

  2. Go to the ER immediately!!! This can have life long consequences for delaying treatment. Pain, scaring and not being able to have sex in the future due to not getting a complete erection. Blood vessel flow can be negatively impacted.

  3. Just so you guys know,

    If there’s no pain, no discolouration, virtually no change,

    It’s nothing.

    Your dick can actually do that. That popping sound. Some guys are into forcing that during masterbation.

    Last time my girl was on top this happened. I was concerned, but it wasn’t in pain or discoloured at all.

    Dick still works perfectly.

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