What are some things you do with your spouse to spice things up?

  1. We had a sexpo in our town some months before covid. Had fun, met a few interesting people and bought ourselves a few his and hers goodies.

  2. We spiced things up through a collection of happenstances

    – bought wife a magic wand
    – wife discovered she could squirt (exciting for everyone)
    – Started talking more openly about what we were willing to experiment with
    – Wife got second job at lingerie boutique with a 50% discount (exciting for everyone)
    – Started sending dirty texts and snaps at work to one another
    – discovered my supplements doubled my semen output (exciting for everyone)
    – discover some unexplored fetishes
    – Created a sex menu for impromptu engagements
    – Started doing exercises to help with sex like kegels and squats
    – Bought a waterproof dog blanket to make sex cleanup easy and eliminate the wet spot
    – Schedule sex when the week gets full and talk about it frequently

    But a good first step, of you’re fairly vanilla and both open, is get the adventure challenge in bed. It’s a good kick off if you’re stuck in a rut. Also forces you to plan dates.

    Just remember to flirt and date and have fun.

  3. omgyes.com

    Flirty to down right dirty texting.

    Using a remote vibrator out in public.

    Sex at a drive in.

    Sex in a parking lot (in the car).

    I’ll give her little instructions like having her remove and hand me her panties at a restaurant.

    Most recent, on her birthday after dinner out, I had her put on a pare of sunglasses I’d painted the back of. A sort of blindfold but not recognizable as one. I drove to a parking lot in a spot where plenty of cars would drive past going in & out but no one was likely to park right next to us. I knew she’d see the light of the passing cars in her peripheral and know we were fairly public. I then had her tilt her chair back slightly and I used the battery powered magic wand on her.

    I could see her body language tense slightly as cars passed or a voice was heard walking by (though none were really close enough to see anything). I could tell it gave her quite a rush and her response was intense. I drove home after with her never taking off the glasses. She still doesn’t know where it was. We’ve done a few short videos but it’s my favorite despite no nudity (wand is under skirt). Her body, voice, and facial expressions & reactions are incredible.

  4. We schedule the sex because our evenings can be busy , sometimes it dont happen but we talk about it all day prior to keep each other excited .

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