There’s this girl in a few of my classes that I like, and my friends think that she also likes me based on how they see us talk to each other, and she lingers around me a bit when she sees me after class. That might just be how she behaves though. We’ve only studied together a few times, and honestly I’m too scared to ask her to go out on a date.

She has told me about places to grab food a few times saying that I should try them, but I don’t know if that means she wants me to ask her to go with me. I was thinking maybe I could ask her to go eat and then study afterwards , but I feel like it could come off as me just wanting to go as friends. Is there any way to ask her that makes her seem like I’m interested? I’ve known for her a few months and haven’t really said anything, so I wonder if it’s too late and she doesn’t think I’m interested in her, or if she lost any interest she may have had in me.

  1. Ask her to hang out by that food place she’s been talking about. And don’t mention school, be you and try to get to know her.

  2. Back in my dating days, I don’t think I ever said the word “date.” I recall saying stuff like, “Let’s go do something, sometime.” or be even more pointed in the activity. “There’s this really cool hiking trail you should come and check out with me.” Hell, when my wife and I were dating, we refused to call it dating. “We’re just friends” And in reality, people like being around their friends and we like being around each other and doing stuff together – still do.

  3. Honestly I never asked someone out on a “date” before we’ve had a few dates. Usually I’d ask if they’d like to go for a walk down at the waterfront, grab dinner together, or something similar. If we had fun and hit it off well, then I’ll ask if they’d like to go on a date, then I’d get a little more serious and intimate. First few times hanging out just pure gentleman, no trying to kiss or get in their pants, strictly seeing if there’s chemistry and good connection first.

  4. I am appalled that you have spent so much time thinking about it and not just doing it.

  5. What’s wrong with saying “date”, it’ll let her know that you’d like to be more than friends.

    Asking her to grab some food and then study is not a date. That’s what friends do.

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