What is one aspect of your life that seems easy for everyone else but is a constant struggle for you?

  1. Hair styling. I can’t put my hair up in anything but a low ponytail and I have no idea how to even curl my hair properly in a way that it doesn’t look like I’m an uncut poodle who got stuck outside on a windy day.

  2. Keeping in touch regularly with everyone I care about: high school friends, college friends, grad school friends, family (I have a big family), significant other, significant other’s family… you get the picture. I’m on the introverted side and terrible at making plans and texting people, and I also have to fit socializing in around all my other adult responsibilities, so sometimes I’ll realize months or even years have passed without me reaching out to a person. But I also hate social media and how superficial a form of “keeping in touch” that feels.

  3. Keeping things tidy. I feel like no matter where I go there’s a constant trail of mess that follows. I’m fully aware of this yet I can’t seem to get it together.

  4. Going to bed at a decent hour.
    I just fight it for no reason at all.

    My bed is *hugely* comfortable and perfect yet I insist on trying to stay awake all night like a cranky toddler.
    I don’t understand this at all.

  5. Food addiction. Seems like everyone else around me can pick food up and put it down and have zero issues with binge eating. I am addicted to eating food because it tastes amazing. Sometimes i eat to cope with grief(me and death just dont function well together) or eat to cope with stress.

    Inless people have fast metabolisms or really hide it, i feel like the obese schlump that cant stop eating. If i could eat and never gain weight..i would be broke

  6. Finding time to socialize. And then I evaluate their life and go “Oh, yeah, they don’t have kids. Or a job. No wonder they have lots of time on their hands.”

  7. all of it. chores, grocery shopping, small talk, keeping track of time, paying bills on time, paperwork, sitting still and/or straight, not constantly picking at skin or nails, dealing with crowds and noise…

    i’m looking into adhd and autism with my therapist right now. i suspect i might be on the spectrum, although apparently high functioning.

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