Interested in generating some wholesome ideas and hearing some wonderful ideas here. This can be sexual in nature or not 🙂

Thanks in advance for the inspiration!

1 comment
  1. Not *exactly* “romance,” but one pattern I think a lot of partners fall into when they move in together is to treat the relationship like a roommate situation, e.g. you do the dishes, I sweep the floor, you clean up the dog poop, I change it’s water, you do … you get the idea.

    Real panty/boxers dropper? Pair up whatever romantic idea you have with doing your partner’s chores. God, you know what? Want your relationship to last? Just do the chore thing by itself once in awhile to show them you don’t just think of them as a roommate. People are more receptive to sex when they don’t need to worry about work.

    Just worth mentioning since it seems like there are some people who go to the effort to throw a nice romantic gesture, but then you get home and it’s like… aight. This place is a mess. Date’s done. Time to do some dishes, my dear.

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