We only had sex two times. on the 20th of november and the 22th of november. so basically 2 weeks ago. she’s on the pill so we didn’t use any condom. the second time we fucked, I smelled a weird odor but thought it was just her bacteria. This has happened with other women too so I thought nothing of it, even when the days after I could smell that same smell on my penis. Recently though I started noticing that I would find myself wet and the liquid would have this same odor. My penis also hurt a tiiiiiiny tiny bit when I peed. Again, thought nothing of it and thought it was just precum because I’m kinda always horny and this does happen to me lol.

A few days ago I also noticed a yellow discharge on my underwear. I looked out for it in the next days but I didn’t see anything.

This morning though, I masturbated and I peed right after. That’s when it kinda hurt more (not a lot, but it still did) and this odor was present again.

So yea now that I’ve noticed all these signs I’m pretty sure I have an infection but I don’t know which and I don’t know what to do, because it would be the first time for me.

Can anyone help me identify what this is? So then I can go to a doctor and tell him about it. Thanks.

p.s.: since the 22th, I didn’t have any more sexual encounters.

  1. Dude go to the doctor and get tested for STDs. It’s not going to go away on its own and could get worse. Sounds like Clamydia.

  2. >Can anyone help me identify what this is? So then I can go to a doctor and tell him about it.

    This isn’t how doctors work. You don’t go to Reddit for a diagnosis and then tell the doctor what’s wrong. You go to the doctor and *they* run tests to tell you what it is.

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