Hi, I(M21) and my partner(F22) have been together for past 8 months and this will be our first time we gonna get close. In the past she has stated it once that she wants to try anal and shower sex. We both are just complete freshers, so i am confused whether it will be a good idea

P.S: yeah, i know asking my partner would be better but its all new for both of us

  1. I’m inexperienced aswell, but from the impression I’ve gotten from others I’d say have normal sex first at least a few times. But you’re gonna have to see w others what they comment on this post

  2. Perhaps having sex a few times just to increase your knowledge and chemistry of what works for you both would be helpful. If she wants to try anal, things such as playing, fingering, and plugs would be a good place to start. No need to rush an already awkward moment by not being somewhat prepared.

  3. Wouldn’t recommend, it’s easier for it to go negatively, start with normal sex and take things at a pace you’re both comfortable with. No reason to rush to anal, especially since there’s a lot of preparation and communication needed for it to be good for both of you

  4. No. I would stick with normal sex for awhile.

    If you do decide to do anal go really slow and use a lot of lube.

    I’m sure it’s hot to imagine losing both at once but I wouldn’t recommend it. You will both already be under a lot of pressure.

  5. You’re getting good advice regarding the anal part of your question. I’m gonna address the shower. Sex: the idea of it is great and certainly if it’s just about touching each other or rubbing your bodies or whatever: shower sex is great for that.

    But it’s important to realize that water is an anti-lubricant. If you try to have penetrative sex in the shower without having a handy supply of lube around, it’s not gonna be anywhere near as pleasant for either of you, esp her.

    But hey, it’s good that the two of you were talking about all this. You’re doing the right thing in at least establishing what you’re interested in trying with one another which is a lot more than most couples do. Just take things a step further by making sure you have a mutual understanding of what both of you expect to do with your bodies. That way, you avoid accidental or awkward situations that arise from misunderstandings or miscommunication

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