What’s the best/worst that could happen in a workplace romance?

  1. Best; it works out and the two live happily ever after

    Worst; it doesn’t work out, things get awkward, work friends start picking sides, one half of the attempted feels like they have to leave and get a job somewhere else because things are too uncomfortable

  2. * Best: mainly that you fall in love and are happy together with no fallout or issues in your work or professional environment
    * Worst: lots of “worst” options – the other person becomes a violent stalker. You lose your job and/or they lose their job. They become violent and kill you and/or your coworkers. You lose your profession/career. They undermine you at work. Your partner does something incredibly stupid or malicious, so your professional reputation is tarnished. They get fired, so you do too because you are a known couple. You lose out on professional opportunities because neither of you can report to the other. Lots of possibilities.

  3. I dated someone I worked with for 5 years. We broke up and have been broken up with for years and I have a kid with another man and I STILL get asked about him and what he’s up to! It’s pretty annoying. I’m never dating a coworker again lol

  4. Best scenario would be it works out and you all are on the same page. This is only accomplished through open communication and like mindedness. You gotta tread lightly and be smart. Worst would be you get screwed over.

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