I’m in Philly area and it’s garbage. Thinking of moving to Nashville but hearing it’s god awful there too.

  1. NYC chiming in, it’s dog shit here too lol. I’m starting to think it’s not the location and the world itself is what sucks.

  2. Went to college in LA and it was the best dating scene. There’s just enough people that anyone can find someone looking for the exact same thing and the apps just have a lot of people so you are bound to find someone.

  3. Yeah bud, Nash isn’t any better. It’s a huge pit stop for people traveling through, so you get a high volume of tourists looking for a hookup. The actual local dating is a mixed bag, but it definitely is brutal.

  4. Go to a small town in Vermont. Become a handyman. Eventually you’ll meet someone who just came back home for Christmas who has put their career before everything. From there you teach her the real meaning of Christmas. Works every time

  5. Nope it’s trash everywhere. Hopefully you get lucky and find a diamond in the rubble

  6. I’m in Boston. I get a good amount of matches on tinder. Primarily just using it for hookups. Bumble is not to bad to match and more geared towards relationships/hookupish But if you wanna seriously date go on hinge , the girls also look the best on there to . Dating is not trash , it’s all in how your profile is setup and how you engage them .

  7. NYC and LA aren’t too bad. But you’d have to litterally date a pure local who’s just trying to maintain their life in said city.

  8. Austin here, kind of sucks unless you are white, but if not it get very casual and not much quality

  9. Y’all think your cities are bad? Do NOT come to the west coast, specifically Seattle. Nightmare

  10. Nope.

    It’s just like everything else. Every place has bad driver, bad traffic, shit weather, bad rent, bad house prices, bad restaurants, bad sports teams and bad dating.

    Nothing is unique about humans.

  11. Living in San Diego currently. You can definitely get dates here. But the long-term relationship is something hard to come by. Hook up culture has given way for so many people to put that they’re looking for something casual. So in turn it’s made dating frustrating if you’re trying to actually have it develop into a relationship. It seems like with what everybody’s saying all the major cities provide you a lot of options. However that’s part of the problem, in every city there’s too many people holding out for their “perfect’ match.

  12. Unless you share strong Republican values or really want a “country boy”, I would suggest refraining from dedicated searching in Nashville. The majority of profiles I have come across on dating apps from here are lackluster. The majority of people I have found attractive in the area are passing tourists who just want to waste their time at the tourist honkytonk bars on Lower Broad. (Just my two cents.)

  13. Competition is super stiff for women, so if you’re just a run of the mill dude like most other dudes then it’s going to be terrible no matter where you are.


    So almost zero interest .. but off course if you give it 12 months you might just get laid and if you give it 24-60 months you’ll probably come across relationship potential here and there.

  14. Chicago is ok during the summer. Otherwise…shit people and very and angry profiles right about now. Lol “dont swipe right if….” “If you can’t have a good conversation don’t x y z” 😂🙄

  15. Lmao AR here and all the men are fat, bald, tattoos on face or neck, single fathers, drug addictions, criminal records, dad bod but never have been a father, etc

  16. Honestly if you keep going to new places and the scene all just sucks it might just be you…

  17. it would appear the entire world is in some sort of dating crisis and no one wants to date each other but everyone wants to date someone

  18. No because it’s a societal issue. Everyone is too independent these days and only see a partner as a lifestyle enhancer and until we fix that underlying issue it’s always gonna suck.

  19. Miami jumping in. As a woman there are a ton of tourists and immigrants from Latin countries that don’t speak great or any English. If you’re into either. Seems to be a place to find hookups and extremely shallow people. Lots of gold digging women from what I hear.

  20. A state of acceptance and self-awareness will eliminate all unrealistic romantic expectations.

  21. Who moves states just for a “better” dating pool? Don’t you people have jobs?

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