What made you become skeptic about self-proclaimed psychics?

  1. Take any horoscope for any sign, or any tarot reading for any person, it’ll apply to you. Same goes for psychics, it’s just very vague, general statements that will work for anyone. When you realize that it’s pretty obvious.

  2. When they ask for a credit card….

    If they were psychic, they would already now it…..

  3. I’m fine until I hit the paywall, once they ask me for 99.99 , I’m out 🤣

  4. The fact that they’re still working out of some sketchy “office” somewhere for $20 an hour instead of, I dunno, winning the lottery? We’re talking about a superpower here. There should be way bigger benefits. It’s like religions that claim prayer works. There should be people regrowing lost limbs and other medical miracles should be way more common. BUt nope, there’s barely any correlation between good health and religiosity that can’t be better accounted for by just cleaner living. If you’re to the point where you are relying on prayer, it’s probably too late.

    tldr: A broken clock is still right twice a day. Doesn’t mean it works.

  5. The unsubstantiated nature of their claims and con artistry of their actions

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