Don’t know if any of you guys have experienced this before? I get horny, I want to have an orgasm and experience the pleasure but for the past while I don’t want to have sex with my girl friend. Who by the way is always down to have sex. These days she’s actually the one initiating and asking if I don’t do anything. Which i haven’t been. I love the feeling of sex and everything that goes with it. But actually getting to the sex? That’s the hard part. Half the time I rather just watch porn and masturbate. I feel like that’s weird and not normal.

  1. Only you can answer why, we don’t know. You should probably work it out though as she’ll start getting frustrated and have her own post here, if she hasn’t already.

  2. Just take a break from porn . Sometimes porn over stimulate the brain . Then keeps you wanting to find different scenarios that are different and more arousing. Then when your partner wants sex your brain is not stimulated enough to want to do anything. So next time you guy have sex try new things with her. Talk to her about it first. You may be surprised on the joy of sex with your partner can and could be limitless.

  3. Seconding taking a break from porn and seeing where it leads you — a week off really won’t break you. Lots of guys masturbate too much and so sex ends up feeling unappealing.

    If you take a break and you still prefer masturbating? That might just be your preference. But you need to try it before you know.

  4. Porn is scientifically proven to change your brain. Drastically. Seriously, put the porn down. It will be difficult, it is an addiction. If you don’t you face loosing your GF. She’s noticed.
    If you want to live alone, only using porn to get off and unable to get it up for sex anymore then carry on.
    Tough love needed here. And that’s not a porn category.

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