I (f) share a bedroom with my sister and I will often masturbate at night. She is already asleep and I keep silent throughout. Should I feel guilty for doing this?

  1. It sucks to not have a bedroom of your own. Man, I’m a bit torn. Be sure to keep it from her? 🤷🏻‍♂️ I think it sucks if she catches you

  2. I think it depends on the age gap……. I know she don’t know. Umm but like if your twins or close in age and in the same developmental stages it’s probably not as weird and more understandable. But if said sister is much younger and not in the same developmental stage to understand, might lead to a very awkward conversation with parents if you’re caught.

    This comes from someone who only gets to do said things when children stay at their fathers, I don’t even do that when they are in my home. I’d would be mortified if caught, lol

  3. You make noise and she hear you, believe me I know. Don’t do it in your room when you with your sister please. It’s really disturbing experience.

  4. She probably knows about it if you have been doing it for a while. That is something i probably would feel awkward bringing up with someone unless it was seriously impacting my sleep, so I’m not surprised that she hasn’t said anything.

    I would probably do it in the bathroom by yourself if I were you.

    Its a bit different when you are doing it next to someone who you are in a romantic relationship with as long as you guys agree that it is something that is okay/fun to do (again, i would get consent first). Cause if you get “caught” by a romantic partner, it can turn into a fun time for both. I would not do it in the same room as a sibling because if you get caught, there is no positive; its only super awkward for everyone.

  5. It would really be a lot better to do that in the bathroom. There’s been times where I’ve been half awake where I was aware what’s going on in the room but still am looking to be asleep. Plus she could wake up at any time and imo that could be somewhat traumatic for some people.

  6. I find it interesting that so many comments are saying it’s okay. I personally would say that it’s inappropriate to potentially expose someone to something that they very much did not consent to. If she knew I have no doubt she would be uncomfortable, and there may be a chance she knows already and is too awkward to say anything – there was a post on here about two weeks ago from a girl who knew her brother was masturbating every single night in the same room as her and she had no idea how to tell him she knew and she wanted him to stop.

    There’s nothing wrong with masturbating at all so please don’t feel guilty for that part of it – but please rather do it in a private space like the bathroom. Or wait until she’s not home and do it then.

  7. No it’s not acceptable if someone wants that they can go to bathroom because I have very bad experience with my room partner 😡😡😡he use to mastubate on the bed every morning I have said him many times brother stop doing this shit

  8. no it’s not. how awkward would you feel if you woke up in the middle of the night to her masturbating. or if she woke up and actually said something about it. go to the bathroom and spare her

  9. I shared a room all growing up with my brother. I mastered the quiet sneak stroke. I laugh now thinking he was probably quiet stroking too in his bed at the same time.

  10. This happened to my friend with his roommate in college, and he sometimes wasn’t completely asleep or just randomly woke up and saw. That was horrible for him I couldn’t imagine how it’d be to hear your sibling doing it. Just do it in the shower or bathroom. It’s not acceptable to do with another person you never know if they might wake up/ not be as asleep as you think

  11. I think of humanity in the past…small house, lots of kids…there’s no way the kids didn’t know all about the birds and the bees.

    We should absolutely respect the wishes of others, but at the same time, it’s a big deal because we make it one.

  12. A little story we had a house party when I was a kid we busted a friend humping what would appear to be a makeshift woman out of pillows and blankets, to this day we call him pillow pounder.

  13. Everyone saying she definitely knows.. y’all don’t know how to be quiet? Lmao it it’s definitely not definite. If you yourself can’t be quiet during then just say that 😂

  14. Sibling, nope. Significant other, discuss it first lol. Lots of times they aren’t in the mood (too tired etc.) and understand.

  15. I grew up sharing a room with my sister for basically 21 years. We had only 1 bathroom to share between 4-6 people, some elderly in mental decline. It wasn’t possible to stay in the bathroom for long without someone knocking and barging in before you could answer. We also didn’t have a shower head with a cord until I was in college, so if I wanted to do it in the shower it would have to be the faucet and essentially douche myself every time. Or I would be caught on the tub floor and be questioned what I was doing down there. Two teenagers who wanted to be alone away from parents and elderly didn’t exactly have an opportunity for alone time during the day often.

    Was is great for me to do that with my sister in the top bunk? Probably not. Did I probably get annoyed with my sister moving around a lot up there and as I typed this realized she was probably going at it herself? Hell yeah. I had no idea if she ever did it and I did my best to make sure she never knew. You can’t always have the perfect solution. If you can go to the bathroom and do it privately there, try for that to be the first option. If you don’t have any other options, do it as quietly and discreetly as possible.

  16. I don’t know, I think people are being a bit flip when they say there is no way she’s being silent. Use one finger and rub the tip of your nose. Can you hear it? The bigger issue is if your breathing picks up, but with literally zero movement that is much easier to control, and can be mitigated by blankets and pillows.

  17. I shared a room with my sister, and I didn’t know. She told me years later that she masturbated at night, and I never knew. I was just a year younger, but on a different wavelength.

  18. I used to masturbate all the time sharing a bedroom with both my sisters growing up. I never used toys and was always very quiet. They’ve never brought it up so who knows if they were aware or not. I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with it, assuming you’re not getting your kicks from if she accidentally on purpose catches you.

    ETA I’m a woman btw and would always do it under the covers so no one could see anything, and hold my breath so as not to make noise. We also always had a white nosie machine or whatever crappy relaxation CD my sister was into at the time going so you couldn’t hear small background things anyway.

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