Tldr – someone (most probably my ex) is using my photos online to talk dirty with strangers. Aside from reporting the profile is there anything I can do?

I posted about this last night but deleted pretty quickly because I was still freaked out and the post wasn’t particularly clear.

Background: I [33M] broke up with an abusive partner [48M] last summer and it was very messy. He did some really weird messed up shit, the police were involved, he refused to leave me alone until he ended up in jail for a bit. I believe he’s still on probation and legally he’s not allowed to contact me. The DV during the relationship and harassment afterwards was taken pretty seriously.

One of the many weird things he did was use photos of me online, definitely on grindr but potentially other places as well, he’d pretend to be me and talk dirty to randoms about very creepy, graphic shit. I dont use dating/hook-up apps and reddit is my only social media profile. I only found out because someone I know came across his profile. Apparently he was doing it when we were together as well. He admitted to it and (as far as I know) stopped.

A different friend let me know they saw someone using photos of me again, like this week. I assume it’s got to be my ex again, who else would it be? Obviously I can report the profile but presumably there’s nothing to stop him doing it again. I don’t want any contact with him, legally he’s not meant to have any contact with me but I suppose this doesn’t count. I *REALLY* want to forget this guy exists and I could massively do without this weird creepy bullshit.

It’s probably worth mentioning that I never sent him nudes or allowed him to take nudes of me – for various reasons that’s just something I really don’t do. The photos my friends saw were regular fully-clothed pictures of me. HOWEVER another of the weird things he did after I broke up with was sending me some photos and videoclips he took without me knowing. So he has access to at least some photos like that.

I should also be clear that I dont actually KNOW this is him. I have no proof, other than he’s done it before and who the hell else would it be.

Has anyone had to deal with this kind of situation? Is there anything I can do? Not sure how seriously the police would take it given the lack of proof and the fact that no one’s immediately in danger, though the fact he’s already on probation probably helps I guess.

  1. Unfortunately, other than report the profiles when you see them there isn’t much else you can do.

  2. File a police report.
    They have ways to contact the relevant socila media platforms officially for the user’s IP address/data/location/identity.
    They should also be able to tell you what your further legal options against this creep finally are.
    Adding to his previous issues it might affect his probation in case they find proof it’s him.

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