Today I (18M) had sex with my girlfriend (18F) the sex was great she finished multiple times but she was way too tight

At the start I could only fit one finger in her, by the end she could fit my dick but barely and not even halfway in, I’m not complaining but we both have agreed that it would be nice if she could take it all in her.

What are some exercises she can do to train herself to be more loose??

  1. There’s no such thing as being “loose”. She’s probably tensing which could be why you think she’s “tight”.

  2. The problem is, You’re not tight enough bro !! Next time, don’t stress much and let your hormones take over you.

  3. More foreplay is likely needed here. You should not put a penis in there until you can fit 2 or 3 fingers in comfortably.

    If 2 fingers is a challenge, or it feels like you’re “hitting a wall”, she can ask her doctor about pelvic floor therapy.

  4. She might have a pelvic floor issue. A physio will probably be able to help her if she’s willing to go

  5. “She finished multiple times”

    My dude, this one is easy. Practice. For the next few times, just go easy. Let her get off as many times as possible. Soon enough, she will stretch to accommodate.

  6. It sounds like you did everything right.

    Just time and practice.

    You are not making her “looser,” you are making her able to accommodate larger things (fingers, penis, toys, etc).

    Over time her vagina muscles will get more and more use to having larger things in it and accept those things more easily.

    When we first dated my wife could only take one finger. Then we worked up to two and three. Did that for years. Then all of a sudden she asked for more. And, over the course of about a year, she has gone from three fingers to eight fingers. This is extreme, and not all people want this. But, I am just saying it to show it just takes time and patience and practice.

    And, even at eight fingers, she is not “loose.” Her vagina is still nice and tight and firm around my penis and nice and tight and firm around two fingers.

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