Like something that you’d usually comment with “lol no that only happens in sh*tty movies”.

  1. I used to roll my eyes when people in movies would give big speeches to the hero how Americans are horrible stupid people. I was always like, “bro that such a cheep way to make a villain, no one acts like that in real life”.

    And then I went to college and started meeting people from other counties…

  2. I remember getting picked on one time by a guy who was buff and had a letterman jacket. Not bullied, thankfully, but just taunted and laughed at in a single instance.

  3. I actually heard a Massachusetts resident say “pahk tha cahar” without irony and without being prompted

  4. I have attended and participated in many street races in industrial parks and the like.

  5. I learned to live, laugh, and love again once.

    Unfortunately, I have since forgotten again

    It had something to do with manic pixie dream girl I was dating at the time.

  6. In elementary school I once fell off backwards while swinging on a swing set, quickly stood up and shouted ‘I’m fine’ to my friends, only for the swing to come back and smack me in my face.

  7. I was in a garage band in high school.

    ETA: There was even a culminating “scene.” The place we normally played was an “arts cafe” where the owner would thank you for buying coffee or muffins or whatever by saying “thanks for supporting the arts”

    Well the final time we performed there, we put together a small “rock opera”. We really hyped it up among our classmates and packed the place.

    After we put on this 20 minute weird opera about aliens and a cafeteria lady, I went to buy some drinks and the owner looked me dead in the eye and said “Hey. Thanks for *being* the arts.”

    You can’t write something like that, it sounds so corny. But it meant a lot to us.

  8. I grew up in a small town, my high school experience was exactly how it is portrayed in movies.

  9. I was young and stupid and flipped a car end over end. We walked away from it – I needed a few stitches and my friend was fine. I also had a perfectly circular scar on my leg where the window crank pushed into it.

  10. I went to a college Halloween party and two girls there that I had never seen before went as “salt” and “lime” but they had no costumes other than white tank tops that had a poorly made label. I asked where were their outfits and then salt French kissed me, poured a shot of Patron down my throat, and then lime French kissed me. It was the most “college” thing to ever happen to me.

  11. A redneck talking calmly while looking away, only throw a punch at the most theatrical moment. He didn’t realize it was predictable and obvious.

    For the record: I ducked, he whiffed over my head, and friends got between us before I could counter.

  12. This is going to sound so fake. I promise this wasn’t some weird dream. One time everyone just broke out into a dance. It was one of those songs like Cupid Shuffle, but I’d never heard it before or since then. It was really weird and the end of a middle school dance, so the dancing part wasn’t weird. It’s just weird that I’ve no idea what the song was to this day even though I was in the front row and followed the dance perfectly fine?? I can’t even remember the moves or any specific details because it was like thirteen years ago, but I know what happened and I have no one from those days that I still talk to, so I guess I’ll never know that song or if they remember it, too.

    A few years later the entire girl’s locker room burst into We Found Love in a Hopeless Place by Rihanna and then acted like nothing happened. No one planned it either, it just started as a few people singing it and then suddenly everyone was singing while changing out of their gym clothes. I think someone forgot to tell me I’m living in a really bad musical. Everyone I tell these incidents to think that I’m nuts, but they happened and I’m still confused about them.

  13. I made pancakes, eggs, bacon and cinnamon rolls for breakfast and everyone just left in a hurry without eating.

  14. When I was at university, my then-boyfriend came to school to have lunch with me. I then headed to my calculus class. The teacher was going to spend the class going over the test, since most of the class did horribly. Those who got an A were allowed to leave.

    I left and ran to find my BF. He was on the other side of a parking lot that was built but not opened yet. I yelled his name, dropped my backpack, and we ran across the lot and into each other’s arms. He spun me around and kissed me.

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