For example telling her to make you coffee when you woke up. Telling her to go make you a sandwich. Stuff like that

  1. I have figured out a way to order people around without really ordering people around and I’m loving it lol

  2. hahahahahaha.

    not well.

    in one or two life or death situations I’ve made a very stern and quick request that could be construed as an order and she’s complied to a letter, but that’s different, I wasnt trying to be a big shot or a man’s man or anything just trying to keep her safe ,and she realised that.

  3. I’m not in the army anymore and I’m not giving orders.
    I ask if she can do something for me
    Like “hey can you make me a coffee?” And I’m not mad or anything if she says no.
    We are both adults and I hate those power plays people try to bring into relationships.

  4. ​

    Her laughter was refreshing and I thoroughly enjoyed sleeping the next few nights on the couch.

  5. We have a sub/dom relationship, so it works well for us. She’s usually quick to do things for me. But because she likes to be a brat, she likes her punishments more than obeying… but at least I get the sandwich AFTER

  6. She asked me what I wanted for dinner before picking me up and I said a number 7 with a Baja blast and 5 layer burrito with no sour cream. She brought it to me when she picked me up.

  7. A few times. It usually works because she knows that if I’m ordering not asking then it’s safety critical and urgent.

  8. She typically does it, but I don’t yell commands. Just a casual “Hey, put some coffee on” or something similar.

  9. My brain immediately said “why order and not just ask?” but looking at the responses maybe I didn’t quite get the inference….

  10. Please leave the female gender alone if you think you have the right to order them to do anything. Just to let you know the rest of the male gender has just about had it with guys like you.

  11. There’d be no point. I’m still waiting on a shoulder rub I asked for 4 days ago, ordering her to do it is just gonna get me an angry gf and still no shoulder rub

  12. Only during sexy time, and that’s because she’s into it. Outside that setting I ask her things like a normal human being.

  13. I made strong suggestions about things purely for reasons of safety. She showed me she knew better. What a moron. This was a woman who would leave power tools lying around with crawling toddlers on the floor.

  14. I mean, my current girlfriend isn’t quite what one would call “normal”. She likes being ordered around. It even freaked me out a bit when she told me. But she gets joy out of helping and being praised, and if I stop asking her for stuff she gets self conscious and insecure. So, literally at her request, I ask her to do stuff for me almost every day. And it can be all manner of things too. I won’t go into the explicits, but she enjoys a guy who takes command.

  15. Only ever once which was to clean the bedroom. It had been a mess for like 3 weeks because she kept leaving stuff on the floor, buying things constantly and when I asked politely if she could clean her mess and offered to help I always got the I’ll do it later. So I got fed up and demanded she clean up after herself

  16. She (now ex fiancé) would all the time mess something up if i ask her to do something inthe light of showing me that she is unreliable so that I dont ask her anymore. Been dating a narcissist….

  17. My ex wife at the start of our marriage was in the habit of barking orders without even a “please”. Not yelling or anything, just saying “do this” or “do that”. I once tried it back on her and she burst into years asking me why I was so mad at her.

  18. never for something like that.

    there have certainly been take-charge situations, I guess, and they went well-enough.

  19. This is one of those things that you know the reaction to well in advance. Some girls live to please others will shut that shit down quick and if you don’t know what you’re dealing with yours not in a real relationship yet.

  20. Men want Sex, Sammich, and Peace. Sammich means, if I’m busy watching TV, playing Xbox, Ect, and she is about. I might ask for a sandwich or water. I expect her to get me one. This goes both ways. My wife loves to read on the couch. She will ask for her chapstick if I am up. I get it for her. I give orders to my wife all the time, she knows her role, and does what I ask.

  21. Not orders by my wife really likes to be asked to do things for me. She gets a charge out of it. Just a hint of submissiveness in that one.

    Whereas I absolutely love to do nice things for her, but only if it’s my idea. If she asks me for something I’ll do it because I’m a team player, but I don’t get that little hit of pleasure from it.

  22. No and the thought of giving the person I’m in a relationship an order is ridiculous. The only time I would think that would be acceptable is in a life or death situation and if that’s the case then I’m either giving everyone orders OR I’m taking orders from someone.

  23. If you are giving people orders just to get some coffee, don’t expect people to stick around

  24. Only in life threating situations. Other than that im just teasing to get a rise out of her.

  25. Well, the only times I’ve done this it’s been part of sexual play. For example, on a date, I’ve told her to remove and hand me her panties in a restaurant. Or handed her a remote vibrator while we were out and told her to go put it in. Stuff like that.

    That stuff goes over way better with her than telling her to make me a sandwich.

  26. Yes, but it was after a fair amount of reasonably approaching a tough subject.

    She moved in, she left everything packed n our front room to the point we couldnt walk freely to the door. Over 3 months of being patient and being nice about it multiple times asking for her unpack (she would do 1/100 boxes at a time), i finally broke and said “either figure it out and unpack this shit or move out because im not living like this and its ridiculous.”

    She tried to make excuses and even explain to me that by pushing she will refuse to do it.

    I explained to her that she will be moving out if she doesnt get off her ass and do something about it.

    Finally she started too.

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