He used to come to the brokerage end of the elder Cowperwood’s bank, with as much as one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand dollars, in twelve months—post-notes of the United States Bank in denominations of one thousand, five thousand, and ten thousand dollars.

Book- The financier

  1. Post-it-note?

    It is a small piece of paper with a sticky back that can used to help with reminders, ideas, etc

  2. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/post%20note

    post note
    : a banknote payable to order at a specified future time as distinguished from one payable to bearer on demand

    specifically : one issued as a circulating medium by banks and financial institutions before the American Civil War

    I don’t this this terminology is used much anymore, what time period is this story set in? Looks like it’s a paper that entities the holder to withdraw funds from the bank.

  3. This is probably what you are looking for

    > A species of bank-notes payable at a distant period, and not on demand. They are a species of obligation resorted to by banks when the exchanges of the country, and especially of the banks, have become embarrassed by excessive speculations


  4. No idea. It sounds like a bank check or a bond of some sort. It’s not something we use in modern day.

  5. I got no clue but the outsiders is an amazing book for anyone who needs a good read – bless the teacher who introduced me to it, fucking absolute chad

  6. For anyone else that was confused by the punctuation, normally this would be written as “twelve-month post-notes”.

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