Have a solo presentation in front of a massive massive group , next Tuesday. I’ve always been quiet bad in situations such as these. Things have been worse since i recently lost a friend of mine and don’t even feel like facing myself in the mirror , let alone a entire group of 100+ students. Could anyone give me any tips , because I’m genuinely feeling physically sick at this point , thinking about it and the worst possible outcomes.

  1. Practice your presentation a lot. Get a feel for the words or phrases that trip you up so you can be prepared for them during the presentation. Keep in mind no one really cares, they just want the class or seminar to be over with and they may be worrying about their own presentations as well. Of course keeping something as such in mind wont eliminate all your worries but it should help.

    Also, plan your outfit out in advance to avoid any panic or stress the day of the presentation. Hope these help!

  2. Go to your GP immediately, tell him you have a speech, and ask for a prescription of 10mg propranolol tablets.

    This medication stops the physical elements of anxiety i.e. shaking, sweating, blushing and voice breaking. By doing this, it also makes your thinking more coherent as well.

    2 things you need to do: 1) rehearse it very well and 2) take some propranolol. All other advice is pure BS and sounds ‘fun’ (e.g. imagine you’re talking to a flock of sheep / imagine the audience naked) but is a complete crock. I guarantee my anxiety is worse than yours and I’ve delivered 2 absolute bangers using 1) and 2) above.

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