This is mine.

  1. Before they were hipsters they were sceensters, so Big D and The Kids Table – Sceenster.

  2. There’s a song that ran by my Pandora called for the girls that slaps… is that what you mean?

  3. Weird one, because it’s not in that hippie folk-pop genre you typically think of, but the story of its origin and publication is hipster AF.

    Ode to an African Violet, by Mort Garson, off the album Mother Earth’s Plantasia. Let’s tally up the hipster points!

    First off, it’s an electronic album from 1976. Way ahead of it’s time. EDM before it was cool! (1) This album was not made for people; it’s for plants. There was a famous book, originally based on dubious CIA-backed research into plant consciousness, called “The Secret Life of Plants,” which asserted that plants are conscious and will grow better if you play music they like. This album was made for plants based on the ideas in that book. So, weird concept album that doesn’t fit the mold of popular music (2). It wasn’t published through ordinary channels either; the only way to have obtained a legit copy of this album when it was released was to visit the Mother Earth nursery on Melrose Ave in Los Angeles and purchase a houseplant, whereupon you’d also receive a copy of the album. So it was weird, obscure, hard to get, and you’ve probably never heard of it (3).

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