Do you think the world would be a better place without sexual desire? Why or why not? Additionally, do you think women would be safer in the world if nobody had sexual desire?

  1. No and no.

    Sexual desire is good and enjoyable.

    S/A and R aren’t about sexual desire, it’s about power and control.

  2. No If there was no sexual desire let’s be honest women would most likely become extinct.

  3. No, I enjoy sex, orgasm, and sexual desire. Most people do.

    In the absence of sexual desire people can still do horrible things to each other, and in fact people have done horrible things to each other for motives totally outside of sex for a long, long time.

  4. I think the world would be a better place if sexual desire weren’t treated like it’s inevitable, overpowering, and uncontrollable. Sometimes it feels like the world revolves around sexual desire (primarily male sexual desire) and it’s *exhausting*. I don’t think desire itself is a bad thing, but our cultural attitudes towards desire are kind of messed up. “I was horny” shouldn’t be an excuse for harassment, objectification, irresponsibility or pushing boundaries.

  5. I would hate to live in that world. Sex is just such a big part of my life. I can’t really imagine a life without erotica, porn, masturbating and sex. I don’t know what I would do with all my free time.

  6. I’m biased because I make my living by making sex-related media, but no, I don’t think that the world would be better without sexual desire.

    Rape and similar crimes mostly happen because of abusers’ incorrect beliefs (e.g. that they are entitled to other people’s bodies or that their desire is more important than someone else’s safety and autonomy). If rape only occurred because of sexual desire then there would be no explanation for why all high-libido people aren’t rapists.

    What we need is better sex education, especially around consent, and a culture that discourages consent violations at every level.

  7. No and no.

    Desire, sexual or otherwise, is natural. It’s natural to want to seek connection with others and to be able to express that.

    Women are unsafe in the world because we as a society have been taught to associate masculinity with power. And the way straight men are taught to express their sexuality is through dominance and power. So of course, when men are raised to see women as weaker and see women as sexual objects, it’s easy for them to create dangerous situations.

  8. It sounds like you’re equating sexual desire with sexual violence. Two entirely different things

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