I’ve had a falling out with a portion of my friend group and I don’t really know how to move past it. We have a pretty large friend group (12 people) that does a lot of weekend trips together. Some or all of the group hangs out most weekends.

I had a really weird psychedelic experience with part of the group and came to the realization I don’t like them and don’t really want to be friends with them. I don’t even like being around them. The other part of the group I really like and are my only friends in the area. Things are obviously a bit uncomfortable and I don’t really know how to move past this. I’m a bit worried that I’ll lose the whole friend group if I don’t pretend that all is well.

Any advice?

TL/DR: I had a falling out with a part of my friend group and don’t want it to affect my relationship with the other part.

  1. What was the falling out? Seems like a critical detail.

    I wouldn’t hang out with people I don’t like, simple as that. Maybe it’s time to make new friends.

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