I’m coming out of an abusive relationship abroad and recently moved back to the UK. I have one friend near me who I adore but just had a baby so its not ideal to hang out with her at night (totally fine, I adore babies and it has benefits great hanging out with them both).
I really wanna just go out and have some fun but not sure how to find likeminded people? Can be male or female just don’t want people who are just trying to bang you know..

Are there any good apps out therr for making friends?

  1. Have you tried to friends size of bumble? I’ve tried it before and it’s good but I’m too socially awkward 🥹

  2. Have you looked at Meetup? It’s not as good as it was a few years ago and you may need to try a few different groups before you click with, but for sheer variety of things to do (especially if you’re in/near a big city) it’s definitely worth checking out.

    (Also, well done you on leaving that relationship. I hope you’re doing OK now.)

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