What common complaints do you hear from other guys that you think aren’t valid?

  1. Certain younger guys:

    They feel entitled to have access to sex.

    Certain older guys:

    You have show everyone else empathy. (they also usually don’t follow their own advice or only do it selectively with certain groups)

    In general while western society has certainly become more hostile towards men you still make all your own opportunities in life. The only big change I’ve noticed is certain sub groups of women are more hostile towards men and society and the media tends to pre-determine the guilt of men if there is an issue between a man and a woman today.

  2. That women are impossible to figure out. Talk to them like humans, listen to what they have to say, and try to squeak out 1/2 an ounce of empathy. Super simple stuff.

  3. A large amount of interpersonal issues and problems.

    Truth is the quintessential male experience is learning to overcome your problems because nobody else will care if you can’t.

  4. That men “aren’t allowed to show emotions”. Of course you are. Anger, frustration, happiness, etc, are all emotions

    “Crying” is something no one likes to see. People should aspire to cry less, not more… don’t like dumbass academics who groupthink tell you otherwise.

  5. That they “can’t hold their temper”. It’s totally under your control whether to freak out or not. If someone does, I am convinced he did it by choice.

  6. 1. “Women are too emotional.”
    2. “Women are too demanding.”
    3. “Women are too difficult to please.”
    4. “Women just want to take advantage of me.”
    5. “Women are too high maintenance.”
    6. “Women are too clingy.”
    7. “Women are too materialistic.”
    8. “Women are too judgemental.”

  7. Some guys get really stupid when they talk about height. They complain about height requirements but apparently can’t acknowledge that weight requirements are exactly the same thing.

  8. I don’t anymore, but I used to know quite a few dudes in wargaming circles who constantly bitched and moaned that all women disliked them for “no reason”. Like, dude, you aren’t owed a partner, not to mention the fact that you look, smell, and possess all the personality of a bipedal jizz sock.

  9. Most of them that I hear on this sub about women. Like I get that this sub is going to be lowest common denominator, but holy hell I have to just cling to the hope that everyone is in high school still.

    What’s dumb is there are many valid things to talk about women’s behavior, women are socialized to behave in certain ways after all, but it’s really clear the guys here have not really spent time talking to and *listening* to women talk about their experiences, at least not with the goal of just understanding them.

  10. “I can’t get a GF”. Have you tried because I’ve seen some ugly ass dudes with GFs. They weren’t rich.

  11. “Girls like bad boys,” men who never talk to women. My lord how many times I’ve heard this and it has never seemed to be true. Different girls like different types of men, but if you talk to women a you will never get a girlfriend.

  12. That you have to be rich, tall and look like a model to get a partner. If you ever have visited the world outside Reddit you know that’s bs.

  13. “Women don’t approach me”

    “I can’t get a girlfriend”

    “Women don’t like me because of [bullshit reason here]”

    Especially when it’s dudes who barely interact with women who aren’t related to them, let alone ever asked one out on a date.

    Don’t get me wrong, there are *multiple* valid reasons to complain about women, but the validity and even the type of complaints is dramatically different from dudes who have experience with women, vs dudes who have little to none.

    In the latter case, it tends to be coming from the fact that they’re salty about the fact they lack experience with women. Sorry, not sorry.

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