What are some questions to ask someone before considering a relationship with them?

  1. I’d ask the following:

    Are you emotionally available?

    Why did your previous relationships not work out?

    What are your dealbreakers?

    What are your core values?

    You can learn a lot about a person through those questions

  2. Do you manage to save any of your paycheck?

    How much debt do you have?

    What’s your FICO score?

    Can you tell I’ve been burned?

  3. You know, yeah I guess before entering into a serious relationship, it probably doesn’t hurt to have an idea of someone’s finances/debt load and credit.

  4. Do you have any children? If so how often do you see them? How often do you want to see them? Whats your relationship with their mom like?

  5. do you plan on having kids? would you be open to gentle parenting? how many kids? these are all important to me because i’d like to start my own family someday and i don’t want to invest myself emotionally in someone who doesn’t want that.

    i’d also want to know what their political views are, how they handle their finances, how they treat those around them (especially people in the service industry), and how much they’d be open to helping around the house if the relationship were ever to become serious. there’s a lot really to consider but those would be my top priority.

  6. What are you looking for?


    Why did your last relationship end?

    Have you ever cheated on someone?

    Have you ever been in love?

    What do you want for your future? What steps are you taking to make it happen?

    What are your thoughts on Chris Brown? (Surprisingly revealing)

    Do you have a criminal record?

    What makes you happy?

    When was the last time you were tested for STIs?

    How many relationships have you been in before and how long were they?

    Are you religious?

    There are so many more but those are just the first that came to mind

  7. How they view their ex’s. Was she actually crazy or just didn’t want to put up with your shit? Some red flags might sprout

  8. Do they get along with their mum/dad/family

    Now its okay if they don’t, cause their parents were horrible people or etc… but it’s about the maturity at which they understand their childhood and their parents. “My mum was a bitch.” is very different to “my mum struggled with alcoholism and wasn’t a great parent.”

    Boys with mummy issues tend to be misogynistic and have little respect for women.

    Boys with daddy issues tend to be narcisstic and manipulative.

    These are generalisations based on my experiences. But because of my experiences, this has been an important question I asked people I dated and it was a strong determining factor on the success of that relationship.

  9. Ok hands down most important, ask about their relationship with their parents and siblings. If their relatives are toxic, how do they handle them? What do they think of their childhood? Also, observe and assess “how far will this guy/girl go for their family?” Because there may be a day where they choose their own parents over your health/safety/life and/or endanger children you have together.

  10. Have you ever gone to therapy?

    Let’s be real. Majority of us humans would benefit from therapy in some way or another. This question is also for me to see how they react mostly to it; if they’re against it, don’t think they need it, or they support it.

  11. Have you ever been to therapy? Would you ever go again if needed? (A lot of couples therapy out there is focused on prevention and helping newer couples learn to navigate communication with each other).

  12. Do you have a criminal record? Do you have a relationship with your parents? Do you have a job?

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