Hey! I was single for quite some time now and I just got back to the dating. I have been going out on dates, getting-to-know stages, some more than that talking (you know what I mean). But there is this one guy I’m seeing who loves to me flowers and shower me with gifts. Sometimes even pays for my expenses even if we are not yet together as gf/bf, and I don’t ask him to that. I have not experienced that far with the previous dates I had.

Is that normal for some guys to do? Is it okay for me to accept it or is it a disrespect (cuz maybe he’s love language is gift giving?) if I tell him to stop?

1 comment
  1. It’s not normal, and usually that type of behavior is associated with love bombing. You can accept it if you want to, although I’d be wary, as this kind of thing usually ends up having strings. It’s NOT disrespectful to ask him to stop – especially if it makes you uncomfortable. If you tell him to stop and he gets mad and/or gives you a lot of push back, that’s a HUGE red flag.

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