What fraction of your income is saved each month vs spent?

  1. I save about approximately 70-80% of it. Although “save” is a generous term as most of it just goes to stonk market or some such.

  2. About 50%-80% I’d say though it fluctuates as my monthly income isn’t the same each month. I know I’m an anomaly though and that most Americans don’t have the means to save that much each month.

  3. I spend all of my pension and social security and draw whatever else is needed out of an investment account.

    Pre-retirement, we probably saved about 25% of our gross income.

  4. About 15-30%. About 15-20% formally goes into savings accounts. Then there’s another 10-15% that just kinda floats month to month in my checking. Then the rest I live off of, whether it’s necessary living expenses or wants.

  5. This probably isn’t great, but I don’t know.

    I just did a back of the napkin and I’d say maybe 40% of our gross. If you’re talking about how much we save from our after tax (which I guess makes more sense) then I’d say 58%.

    We both work and we have a child. We live off of my paycheck really, but then there are several things that my wife pays for automatically.

  6. I’m pushing LeanFIRE right now. With my 401k matching and what not I managed $30k in all savings for 2022, some pre and some post-tax on $64k gross cash earnings (before the pre-tax 401k match). But I already own my very modest house outright in a highly rural PA township. So it’s not in any way the typical American financial situation.

  7. 33%-40% during pandemic I was lucky to keep my job and then be remote during that time. Now I try to stay around 30%.

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