I’m this girl (from now on, A) best friend, and the guy (from now on, X) is a friend of ours, but I know him years before the 3 of us met. Everything I’m going to write has been told to me by A, during the 3 years we know each other.

Since, basically, the first day X talked to A, you could see that he was falling in love with her. He was this edgy-type of friend, who never came to the meetups, you never could count on him to make any plan, because he never wanted to do anything, he never talked about his problems or anything personal related to him (and, still, doesn’t, except to her), even though we (our group of friends, in which he still is and have been for years) are his closest friends. Weeks after having met A, X was telling her his personal problems, telling her that he was starting to love her… but there is one single problem with A, she is lesbian.

That fact doesn’t seem to care for X, because 3 years have passed and he is still simping her. She is the only friend he spend money for. He tries to touch her by tickling her, and A’s reaction is (happens like every other week, I see it with my eyes every time) to push him away, not in a very friendly way.

They used to have an argument once every 15 days or so, for so many reasons, like that time they argue because she didn’t want to watch a movie with him because she was tired (on a PS group chat), and hours later he texted A a 30-lines long message saying how pathetic he felt doing all the things he does only to comfort her, and yet she didn’t seem to care and I was her best friend eventhough l spend many hours with her than him. Now that argument happens once in a month or so, then don’t talk about it for 2/3 days and go back to normal.

What she gains from this friendship is all the things he does for her, what he buys for her, he is the only friend who stays the 3 or 4 hours she spends playing games on Twitch, for her to have someone to talk with while streaming, “so he could succeed and become famous” (this is a literal quote she said to me that was said to her by X). She also has said to me many times how little she tolerates X, because of how controlling he is with her, or how she knows that if she was a guy, he literally would have 0 interest in “him”.

In the comments I may say some more details about their bizarre relationship, but my question is…

Is A the good person she always claims to be (she has a gigantic ego) or does taking advantage of X makes her a bit of a b*tch? Note that she, sometimes, makes this sex-related comments, I think to have him engaged to her or something, like remembering him that she has a vagina and all that stuff. What do you think?

TL;Dr: my female friend takes advantage of a simp friend of ours and I’m questioning myself if she is a b*tch

1 comment
  1. I never took girls that have a bunch of friend zoned simps seriously. It’s really manipulation on both sides, takes a girl that drops enough crumbs to keep simps interested and simps trying to play the nice guy to score. So once you find out they’re feeding simps for extra validation you know they’re not relationship material anyways, kick them to the curb and let them go cry to their simps how some guy just dumped them.

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