I like someone but we don’t really have anything in common, Im not sure if having shared interests is a must or something

  1. It’s not a must, but most people won’t date you if you don’t have anything in common. You have to be willing to explore each other’s interests and also to do things you like to do alone/without them most of the time.

  2. Perhaps you may find common ground regarding personal values and world view, that’s often the core of strong relationships, everything else can be entirely different. Maybe you line up on humour, personal philosophies etc.

    I’d suggest take time to get to know them better, liking them is just the first step. You might find out something about them that either completely turns you off, or really reveals *why* you’re attracted to them and what may be good common grounds!

    We’re often more alike one another than we are different. Interests is just the tip of the iceberg. Maybe even try to find out why they like certain things that you don’t personally enjoy. At the very least you’ll learn more about what makes us unique and that in itself is a win imo

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