Were there any wishes that you had 3 years ago that you actually are living now?

Have you acknowledged that you are now living what you wished for or are you now focusing on new wishes?

Let’s take the time as the year comes to an end to acknowledge what we have achieved and how far we have come!

Much love <3

  1. I don’t remember exactly what I wished for but I would wish for my relationship (at the time) to work out, or to find true love. And it took me a long time to get out of and work through my traumas from my past abusive relationship. But I was able to experience love for a little bit this year. Although short lived, I’m really grateful to been able to meet someone that treated me better and have that intimacy.

  2. I wished to be happy (I’m working on it), figure out what I want to do (still have no idea), and I was a little over 6 months sober at this time so I was really wishing that this would be the last time (somehow I guess I just needed a pandemic and not rehab to stay sober lol, because I have a little over 3.5 years currently).

  3. I had several wishes regarding my mental health and my degree but the one that stands out is the wish I had for a big trip for my birthday in 2020. My birthday is in May. The trip did not happen.

    (Rightfully so, and I’m grateful to have stayed healthy and that companies and governments were taking necessary steps. I’d take my quarantine birthday over the trip any day, given the circumstances.)

  4. I wished to crack an exam(working on it),wished to be at a peace of mind always(I’m now),wished to have a lot of friends(finally realized that I don’t need friends)

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