My boyfriend of 6 months comes over to spend the night weekly Wednesday-Thursday. Starting last week, we just started included Saturdays (he brought it up first). He’s off on Mondays and Tuesdays and I’m not. However, he just told me this morning he made plans to go out with friend all day and other friends tonight(which isn’t a thing he does often) despite us making an agreement to go out on a walk together and him spending the night tonight. He has been worried about my mental health because I’ve been in a depressive episode for weeks so he suggested walks. When I reminded him about it, He said “oops, I still want to go on a walk with you.” I told him it was fine and we could do it another day (he gets off work at 4pm). He kept asking was I sure and I said yes. He then said he wanted to cancel and spend the whole day with me. I already felt turned off by it due to the fact it was a last minute change and he didn’t think to simply decline or hang out with them on a day we didn’t have planned together so I declined. This is literally our second Saturday together. Why this Saturday when any other Saturday, he’s at home playing video games???? Ugh.

I told him to just enjoy himself because I was turned off a little. I always plan things around our schedule, even my clients. It just felt like a slight slap in the face. He works super early on Sunday so he would most likely be too sleepy to talk anyway. I’m just venting here.

TLDR: My boyfriend forgot about our plans and decided to go hang with friends instead

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