What is one thing, appearance wise, your bf/gf absolutely must have?

  1. Clean mf nails. If they’re long and shit is under them (all the time*. If you just planted something outside and haven’t had a chance to wash them, I get that) I’m like 🙅🏽‍♀️

  2. Absolutely must have? Cleanliness. This extends to nails body teeth dick asshole, all of it lol

    Would like to have? Some thick ass thighs and a great smile ☺️

  3. Just hygienic. Literally don’t care what you look like as long as you shower and take care of your skin/nails/etc

  4. Long hair. Obviously personality is most important bla-bla-bla but that’s my ‘thing’

  5. Clean hair, teeth and nails. I like nice moisturised hands, no flaky dry skin. Neat clothing is a must, style is a preference but no stains or wrinkles or holes (chilling at home is different, then you cab wear what you want).

  6. IDC how his hands look but I must must love his hands, but then I’m sure if I like him I’m gonna like his hands…

  7. It’s hard to say. When I had my first crush, he was a boy with pale skin, brown eyes, and curly brown hair. Back then, I figured that was my “type.” Since then, I’ve had crushes on a boy with brown skin, a girl with straight hair, a boy with blue eyes and blonde hair, and a variety of other people who I found attractive didn’t really fit what I thought of as my “type.” I would want someone I find attractive, but it’s hard to classify that in specific traits. Even if I tried to classify all the physical similarities of previous crushes, I may find someone I like who doesn’t meet that mold either.

  8. Nice teeth. I cannot handle messed up or yellow teeth. My husband has beautiful teeth and they were the first thing I checked when I met him. They’re the first thing I notice on everyone I look at.

  9. A kissable face, thicker skin than myself. Patience, and a ton of it. Amazing communication skills.

    I added more because I felt like it.

  10. Cannot be ugly, must be taller than me (I’m 5ft2), must have decent muscle mass (not ripped – I like men shaped like “The Genie” from Aladdin.) and facial hair.

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