What is a side hustle someone in their mid 20s should consider to make passive income?

  1. I cleaned houses, pet sitting ( once bc it was a nightmare), onlyfans, selling candles, bathbombs, etc.

  2. If there was a good way to make money without doing any work, everyone would already know about it.

    Retirement investment accounts are the closest thing to “free money” that I can think of.

  3. I’m of the opinion that if you’re in a decent earning field with upward mobility, you should take that effort that you would put into a side hustle and put it into your main job. It’s way easier to get a $20k promotion by putting in an extra 5 hours a week to impress management than it is to make $20k a year working a 5 hour/week side job.

  4. Finding crummy old furniture, repairing it and refinishing it, then selling it on FB marketplace or whatever.

  5. Purchase a rental property. Pretty much the only “passive” income, so long as you have good tenants and a good property (not a slum).

    Or buy stocks.

  6. If it’s a “side hustle” than it’s likely not going to be passive income, as you are likely going to have to put in effort unless you are in a place to purchase a huge equity position or rental property.

  7. Depends on your area.

    Fixin’ stuff, buying stuff for low prices – fixin’ it – sellin’ it for a higher price, buyin’ stuff for less money you can sell it, …

    I mean it also depends highly on your skill set. If you’re really good in drawing stuff, you could draw Tattoos Designs eventually.

    Or paint their Motorcycle/Cars.

    If you good with Computers & Mechanical stuff, there are other stuff available.

    If you not good in anything, you still can start sh!t talkin’ -> when you’re from an area with alot of Tourism there would then alot of possibilities.

  8. 1. Investing in Real Estate: Investing in rental property is a great way to generate passive income. You can purchase a rental property and have tenants pay you rent each month. This can provide a steady stream of passive income.

  9. Passive income? Hard to do, it depends on what you can afford to capitalize for.

    Take 10% of your paycheck each month and throw it into a 401K. If you get a salary job the organization may offer something like this, but these days few people stay with the same company for their entire life, so getting a 401K through a proper money management institution may be better for you.

    As far as really getting passive income, it’s about what you have that can make money without your direct and constant attention. Judging from your age and question leading me down the path that you don’t have a lot of money to spare, you’d need a business loan or Kickstarter/gofundme to start something up.

    For example: you buy a space in a plaza with decent foot traffic, and you open store. It doesn’t matter what you sell, as long as you make enough to pay the overhead and make profit. The part where it becomes passive income is when you hire someone to manage the store, and a few people to work as employees. You’re making money, and don’t have to dedicate all your time to it.

  10. I resell clothes I find at the thrift stores… I go there anyway because I like to look at the stuff… but figured out I could buy and resell jeans and make 500- 2500% profit on them…. certain ones ( and I am not telling which!)

  11. Whore yourself out

    Anyone watching this season of white lotus? We can all learn a thing or two from Jack

  12. Save every penny you can, invest & live like a pauper. Its much easier to do this at 20 then 70.

  13. A great side hustle for someone in their mid 20s to consider for passive income is investing in rental properties. Renting out a property can be a great way to generate income in the long run, and it has the added benefit of potentially increasing its value over time. While there is an upfront cost when purchasing a rental property, with proper research and planning, you can identify a property that will bring in consistent income every month. Additionally, you can take advantage of tax deductions such as repairs, maintenance, and other expenses associated with owning rental properties. To ensure success when investing in rental properties, it’s important to be aware of the local market and laws regarding renting. Additionally, you should seek professional advice from real estate agents or financial advisors who specialize in this type of investment. For more tips and advice on investing in rental properties you can check out [https://share.joinfud.com/creator?id=20002431&source=copylink](https://share.joinfud.com/creator?id=20002431&source=copylink)

  14. I wouldn’t call it passive because it’s still work but I work at a dive shop in my spare time. It’s a pretty chill gig

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